Christmas Service Schedule

Our services this Christmas are as follows:

Wednesday, 20 December

10.30: Said Eucharist


Sunday, 24 December

9.00: Said Eucharist

11.00: Solemn Eucharist of the Fourth Sunday of Advent
Setting:  Darke in E
Motet:  Ledger  Adam lay ybounden

23.15: Midnight Mass of Christmas
Setting:  Widor  Messe solennelle
Motet:  Rachmaninoff  Hymn of the Cherubim


Monday, 25 December

9.00: Said Eucharist

11.00: Solemn Eucharist of Christmas Day
Setting:  Haydn  Little Organ Mass
Motet:  Dines  Star of the East


Sunday, 31 December

9.00: Said Eucharist

11.00: Solemn Eucharist


There will not be a said Eucharist on Wednesday, 27 December.

All services will be held at Saint Bartholomew’s.