The Gaudete Singers Concert: Saturday, 9 March | 8.00pm

“Composers who are female are not rare. They are just too rarely performed, even today.”
Jessica Duchen

The Gaudete Singers return to Saint Bartholomew’s for their spring concert, Assisted by Angels: Women Composers from Bingen to Bingham.  This performance will showcase a millennium’s worth of women whose musical works are all too often overlooked, from the 12th century scores of Hildegard von Bingen to the pieces debuted by English composer Judith Bingham in recent years.  Other artists in the programme include Caterina Assandra, Clara Schumann, Amy Beach, Susan Spain-Dunk, Imogen Holst, Betty Roe, and Judith Weir.  Tickets are €20 (€15 concession; €5 students) and will be available at the door.

Table Quiz: Friday, 26 January

Our first out-of-church event for 2024 will be a table quiz at the United Arts Club on Friday, 26 January at 7.00pm.  If obscure factoids are your specialty, then come on out and put that knowledge to good use—and enjoy a drink alongside it!  All proceeds go toward our organ restoration fund.

Christmas Service Schedule

Our services this Christmas are as follows:

Wednesday, 20 December

10.30: Said Eucharist


Sunday, 24 December

9.00: Said Eucharist

11.00: Solemn Eucharist of the Fourth Sunday of Advent
Setting:  Darke in E
Motet:  Ledger  Adam lay ybounden

23.15: Midnight Mass of Christmas
Setting:  Widor  Messe solennelle
Motet:  Rachmaninoff  Hymn of the Cherubim


Monday, 25 December

9.00: Said Eucharist

11.00: Solemn Eucharist of Christmas Day
Setting:  Haydn  Little Organ Mass
Motet:  Dines  Star of the East


Sunday, 31 December

9.00: Said Eucharist

11.00: Solemn Eucharist


There will not be a said Eucharist on Wednesday, 27 December.

All services will be held at Saint Bartholomew’s.

Advent Procession: Sunday, 3 December

We mark the start of the Advent season on Sunday, 3 December at 5.00pm with a special service of readings, hymns, and anthems presented by candlelight. It is a beautiful service, and all are welcome!

All Saints and All Souls

The festival of All Saints will be celebrated on Wednesday, 1 November at 7.30pm.  The festival of All Souls will be observed on Sunday, 5 November at the 11.00am service.  All are welcome.

New Dublin Voices Concert: Saturday, 14 October

New Dublin Voices, invited to give the annual choral concert at this year’s Wexford Festival, will give a special preview concert at Saint Bartholomew’s on Saturday, 14 October at 1.00pm.

The programme includes Jonathan Dove’s The Passing of the Year, composed in memory of his mother, which beautifully complements in music the reflections on the transition from summer to autumn to winter by great poets including Blake, Tennyson, and Dickinson.

Also included is Holy Sonnet, which previews the world premiere of a new version specially revised for Wexford and for New Dublin Voices by Marco Tutino, composer of La ciociara, one of the three main operas featured at this year’s Wexford Festival.  Frank Martin’s Mass for Double Choir will also be performed, and this exceptional concert will be rounded out with a selection of special pieces from the rich repertoire of New Dublin Voices…

…and something silly.

Tickets are €10 and may be purchased on or at the door (cash and card accepted).