Holy Week Services
Holy Week & Easter 2023 at Saint Bartholomew’s
Palm Sunday, 2 April
9.00am Said Eucharist
11.00am Solemn Eucharist, including the blessing of palms and a reading of the Passion
5.00pm Choral Evensong
Monday, 3 April
7.30pm A said service of Compline
Tuesday, 4 April
7.30pm A said service of Late Evening Office
Spy Wednesday, 5 April
10.30am Said Eucharist
7.30pm Tenebrae, the ‘service of shadows’ that includes readings, prayers, and music by candlelight
Maundy Thursday, 6 April
7.30pm Solemn Eucharist, a sung service that marks the institution of the Lord’s Supper and the events that followed when Jesus finished the meal with his disciples. After the service comes the watch, a period of silent prayer and reflection.
Good Friday, 7 April
12.00pm Choral Matins
1.30pm The Liturgy of Good Friday, including the reading of the Passion, the litany of Good Friday, the veneration of the cross, and Communion from the reserved sacrament
The church will remain open from 12.00pm-3.00pm on Good Friday.
You are welcome to drop in at any time during this period.
Holy Saturday, 8 April
7.30pm The Great Vigil of Easter, a sung service beginning with the lighting of the Easter candle around the Paschal fire. We will renew our baptismal vows and celebrate the Eucharist together in anticipation of the morning joy of Easter.
Easter Sunday, 9 April
9.00am Said Eucharist
11.00am Solemn Eucharist of Easter Day, a sung service with timpani and trumpets to accompany the choir and organ in joyous celebration of the resurrection
There will not be a service of Choral Evensong on Easter Sunday.