On the walls of the Chapel of Memory in the south transept there are wooden plaques with the names of people who were associated with Saint Bartholomew’s and are now deceased. Plaques are erected in their memory by friends and family of the deceased. Each plaque holds five names. The names on the plaques are put into a Book of Memory and are read out and remembered in the weekly prayers at the time of the person’s anniversary.

What goes on the plaque?

First and second name and occasionally a middle initial. No dates, titles, qualifications, RIP, verses.

Who may be included?

Plaques may be erected to remember former parishioners, rectors, organists, members of the choir and residents of Saint Mary’s Home. Others may be included at the discretion of the Select Vestry.


A request to have a name put up in the Chapel of Memory should be made to the churchwardens with details of the person to be remembered, his/her connection to Saint Bartholomew’s and the date of his/her death. A fee of €100 will apply to cover the costs of having the names carved, the plaque erected and the name inscribed in the Book of Memory.
