Christmas Service Schedule

Our services over Christmas are as follows:

Tuesday, 24 December

23.15: Midnight Mass of Christmas
Setting:  Widor  Messe solennelle
Anthem:  Stewart  On this day


Wednesday, 25 December

11.00: Solemn Eucharist of Christmas Day
Setting:  Haydn  Little Organ Mass
Anthem:  Dexter  The holly and the ivy


Sunday, 29 December

9.00: Said Eucharist

11.00: Solemn Eucharist


Wednesday, 1 January

13.00: Said Eucharist [The naming and circumcision of Christ]


All services will be held in Saint Bartholomew’s.

Quartet Slavey Concert: Saturday, 7 December

Quartet Slavey is a Bulgarian vocal group specialising in traditional folk music, and we are pleased to welcome their unique sound to Saint Bartholomew’s on Saturday, 7 December at 5.00pm for an a cappella Christmas performance.  Their repertoire comprises folk music from all parts of Bulgaria, along with Church Slavonic chants from the 19th and 20th centuries and original arrangements of some of Bulgaria’s best-known composers.  The creation of Nadka Karadjova, known as “the nightingale of Bulgaria,” Quartet Slavey has performed over 3000 concerts worldwide since its founding in 1991.  They have also featured on Hollywood soundtracks and collaborated with numerous pop singers.  Admission to this concert is free, but it is strongly recommended that you reserve a spot on Eventbrite.

This concert is organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Ireland.

For more information, please visit Quartet Slavey’s official website.

Christmas Concerts

It may only be October, but since the annual choir Christmas concert is by far the most popular event at Saint Bartholomew’s, it’s time to save the dates—and yes, that’s plural! Last year, we sold out faster than we ever have before, so we have decided to hold two showings this year:

Sunday, 8 December @ 6.00pm
Sunday, 15 December @ 6.00pm

Tickets will be available from Friday, 1 November… well, for the general sale, that is. If you’re a Friend of the Choir, you can secure your tickets much earlier than that. In fact, this year our Choir Friends are receiving two free tickets for each showing. The cost of four tickets is already worth a good chunk of the annual membership (and the peace of mind in knowing you’re guaranteed a place at an event that will almost certainly sell out surely counts for something, too!), so why not go all in and become a Friend?

Click here to join.

Parking Spaces Available

We currently have a small number of parking spaces available for hire. These can be used from Monday to Friday inclusive.

These are charged at €150 per month.

For further details please email us or telephone Charlie Smith on 086-8192576‬.

Termination of Wednesday said Eucharist

From this month forward, there is no longer a said Eucharist every Wednesday.  Instead, these said Eucharists will now be celebrated only on feast days (or the nearest possible date) at 1.00pm.  The first of these will be the feast of Saint Matthew, which will be celebrated on Saturday, 21 September.  The feast of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be observed on Sunday, 8 September and the feast of Saint Michael and All Angels will be observed on Sunday, 29 September, both at the main services.