The Conservation and Restoration Project started in May 2014. Howley Hayes Architects were commissioned to produce a report about Saint Bartholomew’s Church showing the conservation and restoration required to address the problems of water damage which led to the degradation of some of the finest decoration in the sanctuary and the two transepts.
Howley Hayes Architects produced a detailed report outlining the action to be taken and quantifying the cost. The initial cost of the project suggested that the church could be conserved entirely at a cost of €1,000,000. Unfortunately due to unforeseen but vital repairs to the masonry and the windows, we are now looking at a project cost of €2,000,000.
As you can see here in the photograph, the exterior sanctuary of the church has been completed. Conservation & restoration have restored the chancel to the splendour you see here. The windows have been isothermally glazed by Stefan Oidtmann of Germany, who has done a magnificent job in conserving our beautiful stained glass windows.
Phases 1 through 8 have been completed. On the exterior, this includes the sanctuary, the south and north transepts, the south and north nave, and both porches. On the interior, this includes the sanctuary as well as the north and south nave.
South & North Transepts
South Porch, South Nave & west end of South Transept
Phase 4, the organ room and the lower half of the turret, has been completed.
Organ Room & Lower Turret
The renovation of the external wall of the west gable is currently underway.
The above photo shows the west gable before the scaffolding was erected.
Major structural issues have been identified on the west gable, as seen in the above photo. Remedial work on the internal west gable is necessary to make the wall structurally sound. This is currently being carried out. The stained glass rose window and the two double lancet windows are being conserved at the same time with all necessary repairs made.
The tower is going to cost a minimum of €450,000 to restore. We hope with your help to raise this money in 2017/2018.
The Tower
There is still much to be done on restoring the church’s interior, but in May we were able to unveil the restored sanctuary.
Photographs of the conserved/restored sanctuary inside the church
Below are some photographs of the details revealed by the expert preservation and cleaning of the stained glass windows:
There is a board at the back of the church showing photographs of all the work that has been completed so far.
If you would like to contribute to the project there are a number of ways:
- Online donations can be made through
Bartholomews in any currency you choose. - By cheque. There are envelopes available at the back of the church addressed to the Hon Treasurer for this purpose.
If you give a donation of €250+ we can derive extra benefit due to the current Charities Legislation which allows us to reclaim tax at 31%. The Form CHY4 is available online from
If you require any further information about the project please contact Barbara Bergin by email at